America the Weak?

Slated on Backbone Radio, Oct. 18 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

"Undermine our allies. Embolden our enemies. Diminish our country." Frank Gaffney says those nine words sum up the Obama Doctrine for America's role in the world. Gaffney is head of the Center for Security Policy, and one of my guests this Sunday. His grim statement has the ring of truth. It tracks with the powerful warning from Charles Krauthammer that "Decline is a Choice." At home, economic and environmental policies from the reigning liberals also point to a shrunken future, a vision of America the weak. And if conservatives want to raise a voice of opposition, the government will have no compunction in silencing them, for now that the left is in power, dissent is not patriotic any more.

Is this what tomorrow will bring? If the other side has its way, yes. But if enough of us resist, no. The choice is ours. Be part of our Oct. 18 show as I talk with...

5:20 Scott Denning & James Taylor to preview their CCU Global Warming debate on 10/20 5:30 Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy 6:00 Scott Wheeler, Here comes the Fairness Doctrine 6:30 Peter Schweizer, author of "How Big Government Liberals Wrecked the Global Economy" 7:00 Righty columnist Jay Ambrose 7:30 Lefty columnist Susan Greene

Yours for America strong & proud, JOHN ANDREWS