Attend your Republican caucus this Tuesday

Grassroots politics starts here. Do your part! By John Andrews

If you're a registered Republican voter, Tuesday, March 21, at 7pm is your chance to have a voice in choosing GOP candidates for the 2006 elections, and in straw polls on key issues. The precinct caucuses are the basic grassroots level of self-government in our Republic -- and you're invited.

Beauprez vs. Holtzman for Governor, Eid or Steinhauer or Davidson or Wachtel for CU Regent, as well as important local races, are at stake in the road from caucuses to county and district assemblies to the state assembly. Precinct decisions on the 21st are where it all starts.

    In the Arapahoe County neighborhoods of Hunter's Hill and Walnut Hills, Precincts 241, 242, 243, and 244, we will hold a single joint caucus at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 8545 E. Dry Creek Road. Please join us!

For Prec. 241-244, click this email address to confirm your attendance or request further details. If you live elsewhere, click to find the location of your own precinct caucus. Do your part on March 21 -- it only takes an hour -- and our system of representative government and democratic institutions is depending on you.