Hey Westword, your PC is showing

So using someone's Arab surname, which she herself often uses, is as bad or worse than that same person interrrupting a US election campaign to pander to a foreign audience with the bogeyman of rich, powerful Jews exerting stealthy influence? And wondering if someone is an ally of Islamists is as bad or worse than that person's long record of acting like an ally of Islamists?

Such is the implication of a scolding directed at me and this blog by Michael Roberts, media critic for Westword, on Tuesday in relation to my weekend posting about the anti-Semitic stance of legislative candidate Rima Barakat Sinclair.

Sinclair lost her Republican primary for HD-6 in Denver last night by a landslide to Joshua Sharf, so she'll soon be no more than a footnote in Colorado political history. Before that happens, though, let's set the record straight about Roberts's accusation of "race- and faith-baiting" by Andrews and Sharf.

Read the rest on my blog at PoliticsWest.com.