Remembering Josh Hager

Today is a tough anniversary for Kris Hager, a Gold Star father in Pueblo West and a good friend of Backbone America. It was in Ramadi on this day one year ago that his son Josh, an Army Ranger, made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. The healing process is long for any parent in Kris's situation, but part of the way he heals is by writing. We are proud to publish this, on this day: One year ago…… By Kris Hager

Can you remember what happened one year ago, one year ago on this very day?

If you can, I imagine something wonderful or terrible took place. Think back, where were you on Feb. 23, 2007? Do you remember?

I will never forget that day. I will never forget the many days that followed. What took place was terrible. But I have a new promise. Join me in this new promise for one year from today.

I will remember today because;

I woke and thanked God for every blessing first.

I could not see, for I am blind, but I know how beautiful the world, God made it.

I could not hear, for I am deaf, but I know the song of love is everywhere, for God sings it.

I could not feel, for I have lost my hands, but I know God is the Creator.

I could not walk, for I have lost my legs, but I know around every corner is another blessing.

My boys are safe, for they were well trained and God is looking out for them.

My wife is safe, for she is surrounded with my love and God’s.

My country is safe, for she is protected by my sons and their band of brothers.

How could I ever forget such a glorious day?

How can any of us ever forget, each life that has been freely given to protect us all?

On this day, God received into his protection, my son, SSG Joshua Hager.

Everyday, someone remembers the pain of one year ago. Let us remember everyday, the blessings of this day.