Dressed for the War Room

If you haven't visited the GOP War Room, McCain's rapid response media facility at 2810 Speer Boulevard, it's worth a look today or tomorrow as the DNC approaches its climax (orgasmic pun intended) with Obama's big stadium speech. I stopped by there on Tuesday to gather news, not make it, but Myung Kim of the Rocky was intrigued by my pro-Bush tee shirt and posted this short item about it. She also snapped a photo, but since that didn't appear, here's one of my own:


The War Room is an impressive operation and was buzzing with activity when I was there. Mitt Romney was in front of a bunch of TV cameras in the inside studio, and Rudy Giuliani was in front of a bunch more outside, sweltering in his NYC dark suit. The place is a bit tricky to find: go north on Speer from I-25, past Zuni, then right on Firth, which curves into a sort of alley from which you enter the 2810 building on the rear, away from Speer.

As for my "10 of 10 Terrorists" shirt, the last time I wore it for anything but yard work was at the 2007 Bolder Boulder, where I figured it would stir conversation among fellow runners -- and perhaps incentivize me to run faster, lest the Bush-haters beset me. And it must have worked; I almost ran my age, 64 minutes for the 10K. Here's hoping it brings my side good luck in the much bigger race of these next ten weeks.