Defeat Amendment 59 or lose TABOR

(Source: National Taxpayers Union) Colorado voters made history in 1992 when they enacted TABOR, the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights, the strongest set of taxpayer protections in the country. In guaranteeing refunds of overcollection of taxes, mandating spending restrictions, and giving Coloradans the ability to vote on all tax increases, TABOR has been instrumental in the state's booming economy. Unfortunately, over the past 16 years, rent seekers have sought to weaken these provisions through the passage of Amendment 23 and Referendum C, which allowed a increased rate of government spending growth. They're at it again, with TABOR-killing Amendment 59 on the ballot in November.

Supported by the National Taxpayers Union, Taxpayers Against Amendment 59 is leading the fight against this destructive initiative.

Visit the Web site at to join the pro-taxpayer fight. There you will find more information on Amendment 59, including a detailed description of its consequences, links to research and media, and opportunities for you to take action against its big-government proponents.

Amendment 59, being sold as the Savings Account for Education (SAFE) plan, constitutes a blank check for legislators in Denver. It would gut TABOR, allowing for the same rampant spending that led to the stagnation of Colorado's economy in the 1980s. Roughly half of Colorado's general fund will be exempt from TABOR's spending restrictions under Amendment 59.

What's more, the claim that the increase in revenue and spending capacity will be spent solely on education is disingenuous and misleading. As you'll see on, the list of pro-59 big-money donors includes special interests from the health lobby to trial lawyers. It's time for the taxpayers of Colorado to turn out the vote in November and work to continue the economic progress the state has enjoyed under TABOR.

Previous efforts to weaken TABOR have successfully expanded the role of government in Colorado. Enough is enough. Visit and find out how you can take action. This is the most important ballot fight in the country this election cycle. Don't be left on the sidelines.

For more information on Taxpayers Against Amendment 59's fight, contact NTU State Government Affairs Manager Josh Culling at or 703-299-8680.