Why should WE pay our taxes?
As the list of influential Democrats with tax evasion problems grows, it causes the average law abiding American to give pause and wonder why we struggle to meet our tax obligations and fear the consequences if we don't. Apparently, we don't have to worry whether we pay or not. Just ask Rangel, Franken, Daschel, and Geitner. If we are to believe what we hear every day in the news, the only time we really need to pay up is when we either run for political office or get tapped for a Cabinet position. Why aren't the same standards applied equally? Lots of Americans will have problems paying taxes this year. Will they be allowed to simply ignore their obligation, claiming oversight, forgetfulness or miscommunication with tax accountants? California is planning to withhold state tax refunds for at least 30 days because they are short on cash. They expect residents to pay on time, but don't feel obligated to refund on time. It would be interesting to learn whether or not California is turning away 'undocumented' persons from emergency rooms, jails or schools, telling them there is no money right now to continue to take care of their needs.
Governments cannot spend money or give money to anyone until they first collect money from citizens. If Americans refused to pay taxes on April 15th, that would solve the stimulus bill issue really fast. No money coming in; no money to spend. Republican Congressman, Louis Gohmert, from Texas recently called for an Income Tax Holiday. Some form of his plan sounds pretty good right now. Rather than Americans paying tax revenues to a government that refuses to listen and abide by public opinion as to how it is spent, we might want to pursue the plan that provides a holiday from paying all federal income tax based on wages and FICA withholding tax. Gohmert's proposed plan was for two months, but maybe it should be expanded even further. Let us keep our money for awhile to spend, invest or save as we see fit. We'll stimulate the economy ourselves, supporting businesses and banks of our choice, and allowing those that are weak or poorly managed to fail. Surviving businesses will be stronger and have the ability to grow, expand and increase hiring.
It might just be that Americans that work hard every day and live in fear of getting on the wrong side of the IRS, actually could do a lot better job in turning back the recession than those that have no regard for the law.