Remember, every show is podcast

Backbone Radio got this kind note from a leading Republican in Arapahoe County: "You have the most effective, informative and timely current events show on the airways. Though I miss your show on the air because of the time frame on Sunday, I am thankful for your online information...and I thank you for your diligence and accuracy." That's from Linda Gawlik, City Clerk of Centennial. I replied:

Linda, thanks for your kind words. It's fun doing the show, and we do bask in people's appreciation - especially since there's no pay. Just so you know, if there is a topic or guest you particularly wanted to catch up with, every show is podcast in full from our website as of Tuesday morning after the Sunday broadcast.

Click the Backbone Radio button on red navigation bar at top of home page for all podcasts from the past couple of years. The most recent Sunday show is usually featured under the radio section, midway down lefthand column, and in the yellow radio box, top right on home page.