Judicial Reform: Hear the Podcast

Learn about practical remedies for our often-unaccountable judiciary when you listen to "Under the Dome," my issue special for July, podcast on this site and airing 7/16 at 7pm on 710 KNUS and streaming live at 710knus.com. Click this link to hear the podcast.

Why do most Colorado judges routinely win another term from the voters, even though many people worry that our courts are out of control? What’s different about next year’s round of judicial retention elections from anything we’ve seen before? How can all of us do our part toward improving the state Supreme Court?

"Under the Dome: Judicial Reform 2010" looks at the answers. It's my conversation with attorney and constitutional scholar Bill Banta, a former member of the State Judicial Performance Commission and long active in the Colorado Bar Association, along with citizen activist Matt Arnold, campaign chairman for a group called Clear the Bench Colorado.