Phelps for Centennial Council, again

I have a favor to ask and it’s political in nature. I need your help to get elected to the Centennial City Council. I am running in a special election to fill a vacant seat. Editor: I was very impressed with Republican businessman Ron Phelps when he ran for this same seat in 2007. At that time he stepped aside late in the race to prevent splitting the vote with GOP veteran Betty Ann Habig and missing a chance to oust Democrat incumbent Vorry Moon. She won but has now had to resign in midterm for personal reasons. It's now Ron's turn, and I am pleased to be supporting him - JA

Centennial has only been around less than 10 years – and our new city is having some growing pains. Did you know that the decisions made by our city council have more of a direct impact on the way we live than any other form of government? Many of these issues I’ll address in future emails.

During the past several years, I have been active serving on the County budget committee, the city land use planning and city park & trails committees, and the neighborhood civic organization. I have worked to preserve our individual rights and balance those with the greater needs of our growing community.

I realize that not all of you receiving this live in Centennial or in my neighborhood. Even so, I hope you might be willing to help me.

First and foremost for my neighbors, I need to know I can count on your vote.

Second, I need your financial help. I hope to raise $3,000 by Labor Day.

Finally, below is a list of other ways you can help me win this election:

- Support me by endorsing me with your friends who live in District 1

- Place a yard sign in your yard

- Support me by hosting a meet & greet “coffee” to help me raise campaign funds

- Wear an ‘elect Ron Phelps’ t-shirt at public meetings or a neighborhood function

- Walk a neighborhood area

If you can help me out financially by sending $50, $100 or $200 to Citizens for Ron Phelps, I would be very grateful. Mail checks to 1156 E Davies CT, Centennial, CO 80122.

I will be providing updates over the coming weeks and months on how we’re doing and the issues facing the City of Centennial. Drop me an email at if you'd like to be on my list.

Thanks again, and if you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 303-809-9230.
