GOP unifies as Ritter fades

Slated on Backbone Radio, Dec. 13 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

Don't miss our governor's race preview show this evening. Republicans are on offense and Dems on defense as the 2010 election year is soon to dawn. With Gov. Bill Ritter weaker than any incumbent in half a century, his party was counting on opposition infighting to keep their chances alive. The GOP unity movement of recent weeks has changed all that. I'll talk with Republican challenger Scott McInnis about his game plan for the months ahead, with Josh Penry about why he closed ranks behind Mighty Mac, and with underdog Dan Maes about why he intends to fight on.

Other big questions on our Dec. 13 show... Will the nation's distaste for tax-funded abortion sink Obama's takeover of US health care? ... And will the teacher unions stop at nothing in their power trip at kids' expense?

Here's the guest lineup: 5:30 Scott McInnis 6:00 Dan Maes 6:30 Josh Penry 7:00 Pro-life organizers Leslie Hanks & Lolita Hanks 7:30 Education policy analyst Ben DeGrow

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Yours for the Constitution, JOHN ANDREWS