Rebound on the right?

This could be a big comeback year for conservatives. I say "could." Clearly Republicans will benefit politically from Democrats in disarray, here in Colorado where Gov. Ritter is the first casualty, as well as in Washington where Obama, Pelosi, and Reid have wildly overreached. But GOP electoral gains don't necessary mean the return of right-minded principle in Americans' approach to self-government. That will take a lot more soul-searching and sweat. Backbone Radio is here to help. We'll talk with two leading Republican legislators as the General Assembly gets back to work on Jan. 13. And I will ask several of the right's best thinkers for their perspective on what a deep and lasting conservative comeback would look like. Please join us. Here's the lineup:

5:20 Blogger Ross Kaminsky 5:30 Columnist Joseph C. Phillips 6:00 State Rep. Mike May 6:30 Jon Caldara, Independence Institute 7:00 State Sen. Mike Kopp 7:30 Kevin Miller, Centennial Institute

Speaking of the Colorado General Assembly, a visionary 10-point agenda for Republicans is spelled out in my Denver Post column this Sunday, posted on our home page just above this item. Have a look and let me know what you think.

Yours for self-government, JOHN ANDREWS