Freedom rings at Tea Party

By Peg Brady (April 15) As I reached the already vast gathering at the Colorado State Capitol this morning, a speaker proclaimed, “Let freedom ring!” The crowd echoed his joyous words, [photopress:tparty_0415210a.JPG,thumb,pp_image]and the call for freedom did indeed ring across the thronged parkland. Sporting my “I Love TABOR” t-shirt (from Backbone Radio), I added my alto to their cheers.

Unnumbered bright yellow “Don’t Tread on Me” banners waved. Hand-painted posters declared people’s outrage and hope. § Read Hayak’s “Road to Serfdom” § Who is John Galt? § God only asks 10% § Capitalism creates jobs Socialism destroys them § No VAT § Give me liberty, not debt § November is coming

People from the Independence Institute circulated petitions in support of excluding Colorado from Obamacare. Matt Arnold fervently urged voters to “Clear the Bench” by unseating the four state supreme court justices seeking re-election, all liberals who believe themselves entitled to modify our Constitution through judicial rulings. Veterans and moms asked that we each take action.

By definition, we conservatives tend to be independent individuals, not much inclined to joining. That’s part of our personal strength, but it’s also a political weakness. At last, though, the tyranny and excessive taxation, the pointless spending frenzy, the attacks on liberty, the economy, reason and ethics have exceeded our quiet tolerance. We are on the move.

And I thanked God that we live in a blessed country where thousands of us can gather and declare our intent to defend our freedoms and regain our honor.