Trump vs. Biden in historical perspective
The presidential election to be decided this Tuesday, or some time thereafter, when seen in the perspective of a century of such contests, boils down to this.
If Trump wins, it’s voters saying you and your party are not perfect but the alternative is worse, so lead on, Mr. President. FDR 1940, George W 2004.
If Trump loses, the people are saying we’re on the wrong track, we’ve lost confidence in you, time’s up. Hoover 1932, Truman 1952, LBJ 1968, Carter 1980. George HW 1992.
Either way, if you love our country and the God we answer to, be of good cheer. America will muddle through. As Adam Smith put, “There is a deal of ruin in a nation.”
I strongly support Trump and the Republicans. I earnestly hope we’re not stuck with Biden and the Democrats.
But I’m convinced there are enough decent individuals of goodwill in both parties, and enough resilience in the American people, that this land we love can weather any storm that comes and emerge the stronger for it.
“America, America, God shed his grace on thee.”