Praying for you, Mr. President
President Trump, thank you for your devoted, unstinting, sacrificial service to our country these past four years. In so many ways you have been the indispensable man in our nation’s hour of need. You did your best, the unbowed “man in the arena” of whom TR spoke.
I and my family join the millions across the country and around the world who love and appreciate you and your family, imperfect as you are; as we all are. You will be in our prayers, good servant of the Republic.
President Biden, congratulations on assuming the highest office in the land, and with it the leadership of the free world, an awesome responsibility for any one human being. Godspeed, sir.
May those better angels of our nature, invoked in your inaugural address, guide you and your administration in taking good care of our beloved America. May the God of heaven, the only true sovereign of all mankind, direct, protect, and correct you as may be needed in carrying out your duties.
Gentlemen, both of you, #45 and #46, our family will be praying for you and yours in accord with Romans 13 and I Timothy 2, so that Americans everywhere, of all beliefs and conditions, “may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”