lang sias

Primary facts & unfacts

I never enjoy primaries where good Republicans are pitted against each other in the spring for a nomination to oppose the Democrats in the fall, so I don't usually take sides. But since I'm often asked my preference in the GOP's upcoming June 24 election, and since a state Senate candidate recently claimed my support without permission, here's a rundown of the contested races.

* I am neutral in the governor's race. Mike Kopp, Scott Gessler, Bob Beauprez, and Tom Tancredo are all much preferable to John Hickenlooper, the incumbent - though I doubt Tancredo's electability.

* I support Congressman Doug Lamborn in his CD-5 primary.

* I support Michael Fields in the HD-37 primary, my own state representative district.

* I support Tony Sanchez in the SD-22 primary, Jefferson County.

* I am neutral in all other legislative primaries, including SD-19, Jefferson County, where I'm friendly with both Lang Sias, the 2012 nominee, and Laura Woods, the newcomer. I've accepted Woods's apology for mistakenly listing me as a supporter in a recent mailing. Either could serve well in the state Senate; may the best candidate win.