World War III

Kosovo breakaway is ominous

It’s not hard to forecast how we will deal with this new supposedly “pro-West” Muslim country. The flood of jihad fighters, war material and Saudi money into the region will be termed by our “see no evil” State Department as no more than an “expression of self-determination by the Balkan Islamic community." When reports of violence and forced conversions begin to filter out, the Western media will dismiss them as “reasonable actions taken out of context” or as merely “the ranting of pro-Israel Islamophobes.” This selling out of our Orthodox Christian cousins in the war with Islam is a tragedy. It stems from the misperception of the secularists in the West that somehow the Islamic jihad doesn’t apply to them since they don’t consider themselves Christian any longer, but post-Christian. Therefore, all that’s necessary is to dialogue, reach out to and understand the Islamic community’s need for recognition and legitimacy, and the threat will go away. To believe this one has to ignore a thousand years of history.

Also, being secular will be no salvation. One only has to look at Germany in the 1930s to see that not going to synagogue didn’t exempt anyone from that terror:

“The Nuremberg Laws did not identify a 'Jew' as someone with particular religious beliefs. Instead, the first amendment to the Nuremberg Laws defined anyone who had three or four Jewish grandparents as a Jew, regardless of whether that individual recognized himself or herself as a Jew or belonged to the Jewish religious community. Many Germans who had never practiced Judaism, or who had not done so for years, found themselves caught in the grip of Nazi terror. Even people with Jewish grandparents who had converted to Christianity could be defined as Jews.“

It is the same with the Islamic jihadis. Infidel non-believers have two choices only, either to convert or die. That would apply equally, or perhaps especially, to a New York Times editorialist who has no faith at all and lives on the East Side with his gay partner.

Kosovo is an Islamic toehold in Europe and the beginning of Eurabia. Allahu Akbar! Let the beheadings begin.

Remembering Josh Hager

Today is a tough anniversary for Kris Hager, a Gold Star father in Pueblo West and a good friend of Backbone America. It was in Ramadi on this day one year ago that his son Josh, an Army Ranger, made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. The healing process is long for any parent in Kris's situation, but part of the way he heals is by writing. We are proud to publish this, on this day: One year ago…… By Kris Hager

Can you remember what happened one year ago, one year ago on this very day?

If you can, I imagine something wonderful or terrible took place. Think back, where were you on Feb. 23, 2007? Do you remember?

I will never forget that day. I will never forget the many days that followed. What took place was terrible. But I have a new promise. Join me in this new promise for one year from today.

I will remember today because;

I woke and thanked God for every blessing first.

I could not see, for I am blind, but I know how beautiful the world, God made it.

I could not hear, for I am deaf, but I know the song of love is everywhere, for God sings it.

I could not feel, for I have lost my hands, but I know God is the Creator.

I could not walk, for I have lost my legs, but I know around every corner is another blessing.

My boys are safe, for they were well trained and God is looking out for them.

My wife is safe, for she is surrounded with my love and God’s.

My country is safe, for she is protected by my sons and their band of brothers.

How could I ever forget such a glorious day?

How can any of us ever forget, each life that has been freely given to protect us all?

On this day, God received into his protection, my son, SSG Joshua Hager.

Everyday, someone remembers the pain of one year ago. Let us remember everyday, the blessings of this day.

No double standard for Obama

Apparently, the MSM realizes that Obama's youthful brushes with Islam are a huge negative. So they attempt to take it off the table and make the entire subject taboo. Notice that the MSM make no such exceptions concerning Romney's religion, McCain's age, or Giuliani's marriages. On CSPAN last evening, a left-wing apologist for Barack Obama from the New Republic argued that anyone who mentioned the candidate's past Muslim connections was making a low blow, absolutely reprehensible. He went on to say that the potential threat to Obama's life as an apostate Muslim was a non-issue, since any president would be in jeopardy from Jihadis.

In my view, Obama's life being threatened as an apostate isn't the issue: it is whether or not he is concealing his ties to Jihadi organizations. And after the Holy Land Foundation trial last summer in Texas, there's reason to believe that most "moderate" Muslim groups have been founded by the Muslim Brotherhood. Reputable observers such as Daniel Pipes have raised serious questions about Obama and Islam. Nor can you necessarily expect the truth from asking the senator himself.

That's because the Islamic concept of Taqyyit asserts that anything that forwards the cause of Islam is the moral thing to do. Thus, if disinformation benefits Islam, one is permitted or even obligated to practice it. Hypothetically, then, if Obama were concealing his ties to Jihad, he would be religiously permitted to deny it. There are no Ten Commandments in the Qur'an, so swearing one's oath on that book has quite a different meaning; ask Representative Ellison from Minnesota.

In my nightmares, I can picture an Islam-sympathizing US President moving to put the head of CAIR in his cabinet, and garnering praise in the New York Times, because we were finally "reaching out to heretofore marginalized Islamic organizations -- and that giving these groups responsibility would bring them into the mainstream." Of course, anyone who would object is a "racist bigot and Islamophobe."

Or imagine the same President admitting a growing stream of extremist Muslims from the Middle East as "refugees from violence", then charitably enrolling them in the US Army.

How long are we going to let political correctness pave the road to our destruction?

Wakeup call on radical Islam is one of the films I previewed at the Arapahoe Republican breakfast on Oct. 31. is the other. NYPD report on home-grown jihadists on US soil is valuable. And here's the damning evidence of US penetration by Hamas in recent Holy Land Foundation trial. If you only read one book on this threat, it should be Knowing the Enemy by Mary Habeck.

Also excellent is The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright, and as noted by Bill Banta at today's breakfast, the works of Bernard Lewis including The Crisis of Islam and What Went Wrong?

Information on retired Army Col. Joe Ruffini, author of When Terror Comes to Main Street, is here.

The American Garden: an allegory

The American Garden is the most beautiful on earth. No other garden produces more bounty and benefit for the people of the world than this one. It’s filled with plants and trees of different sizes that produce all matter of fruits and vegetables. The market stalls are filled daily with this wondrous bounty, and it has been so for a couple of hundred years. Yet if the Garden is to continue to blossom and yield its bounty, every generation of gardeners is obligated to fertilize, water, weed, and prune constantly the ever present gnarled socialist dead roots. They must dig out the old and unproductive to make room for the new. Only if this is done will the American Garden continue to flourish.

Many of the plants migrated here from European gardens. The European gardeners in centuries past expelled these plants, deciding they only wanted certain sorts of plants. Or the plants themselves decided to come to the North American Garden to find room to grow. The European gardens are much older than the American one. In Europe, every square centimeter of land has been cultivated for centuries. The gnarled socialist dead root structures suck most of the nutrients from the land. The blossoms are very small, and there is absolutely no room for anything new. Yet the plants that came here wanted to be a part of our Garden. They wanted to blossom and grow, and add to the beauty of the American Garden.

But the American Garden is now threatened. Progressive gardeners, who identify with the European gnarled socialist dead roots, believe that is the important thing in a garden. They take the market stalls filled with produce for granted. “Has it not always been so?” they ask? In their eyes, it’s more important to make the Garden “fair”. It’s unfair that there are plants that are taller and have more fruit than others, or are bigger and have more blossoms than others.

Their vision is a European Marxist-style garden with all the same size plants, few blossoms, and all utterly dependent on the gnarled socialist dead root structure they wish to establish. And they recognize if they can import enough squatty yucca plants from south of the border, they can take over the Garden and put their plan into action.

The progressive gardeners are also nostalgic about the Garden of 1945. They write books entitled “The Greatest Generation of gardeners” or do TV specials called “The Weeding”, not admitting they are forsaking their generational responsibility to keep the Garden flourishing. “We have the most beautiful garden in the world” they say. “Therefore, it can tolerate a few weeds, and we don’t need to prune, fertilize or water as much”. Rather than dirty their hands pruning or fertilizing, they attend cocktail parties criticizing the Garden’s ‘inequities’ or fantasizing about the virtues of the Marxist Garden, ignoring the Eastern European garden’s utter failure, including the death toll of a hundred million plants.

In a Marxist garden, the Marxist gardeners give the plants blossom quotas, and threaten to uproot them if they fail. Yet all the water and fertilization is consumed by the gnarled socialist roots. Marxist gardeners believe that all the plants should have the “social consciousness” to blossom properly. In their view, it is “social deviationism” that causes them to fail. Thus, more blossoms can be achieved by threats and uprootings as an example to others.

Another threat to the Garden is the Islamic thistle that is blowing in from the distant deserts. There is some talk about the necessity of weeding out these thistles to preserve the Garden. But the Progressive tolerant gardeners argue “was not our garden established with transplants originally?” That’s true, but the Islamic thistles are not like the other transplants.

Islamic Thistles derive from parched, poverty-stricken, barren lands that have remained unchanged for thousands of years. They can’t comprehend fertile lands and flowing rivers except as an afterlife paradise. Yet their long-dead gardener has given them the mission to spread their barren, medieval, weed-strewn poverty around the world. They have no intention of blossoming and adding to the American Garden. It is their stated intention to replace every plant in our Garden with their noxious weed and choke out and kill everything else. That is reason enough to cull these thistles from our garden. And there is some weeding taking place in distant lands. Even so, the progressive gardeners object.

Progressive gardener George Soros argues that pulling the thistles is what’s causing them to grow. Other Progressive gardeners lament that the thistles seem to return no matter how fast they are pulled. They wish to give up and withdraw the weeders. The Ecclesiastical gardeners hold that weeding of any kind is immoral, because it destroys life. They choose to ignore the death and destruction over the centuries and up to the present day caused by the Islamic thistles. They have forgotten the thousand-year struggle of their church forefathers to keep the Islamic Thistles from overwhelming all of Christendom! “We just need to reach out, understand, and dialogue with the Islamic thistle” they say.

FBI and Homeland Security gardeners are told by their lawyers that they are forbidden to pull up the Islamic thistles until they actually go to Jihad-seed and do real damage. This in spite of their own studies that show the earlier the Thistles are uprooted, the fewer Jihad-seeds there will be.

Thus is the state of the Garden today. The Marxist Progressive gardeners strive to bring in 40 million yucca plants. They fuel their chain saws while they eye the fruit trees and produce-laden plants. Islamic thistles sprout in every corner of the garden, but are ignored. The Marxist Progressive gardeners prefer to concentrate on “Justice and Equality for the American Garden” and assume the bounty will continue indefinitely.